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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Great Soccer Starts Here!!

Registration Instructions

The first step to registering your child is to create an account on our website.  If you have already registered with us After the Fall 2017 season, then you have already done this.  If not, click on the Login Button above, and follow the instructions to Create an Account.  Please note the following tips...
  1. You may use any user name you like.  I would suggest an email address because you know it will be unique.  You may use any password you like.  It is a simple process for you to recover your password should you forget it.
  2. Please, for the primary email, use the email address you would like to receive communication from the region about your teams or players involvement.  AYSO does not share your personal information with advertisers.  You may receive occasional promotional emails from National sponsors, but those are sent by National for the sponsor.  Your email has not been sold to the sponsor.  You also have the option to opt in and opt out of a lot of this communication in the account settings section after you create your account.
  3. For families with two parents or guardians, it is Strongly recommended that each parent have a separate username and password to access the account.  The first parent creates the account, and then "Invites" the second parent to create an additional login.  The second parent will get an email, click on the link, and follow the steps to create a second user for this account.  You can also create additional if their are grandparents or others who need the regional communication.  By doing this, you will Each have access to your child's registration information and calendars, team pages, program pages, etc.  You will each be able to provide separate emails AND PHONE NUMBERS for email and text communication regarding game and practice cancellations.  You will each be able to register as volunteers and receive training at AYSO-U as well.  Alternatively, if you do not do this, only ONE parent will receive email and text alerts for their child - the one whose account registered them.  If you both have separate accounts already, and would like to link them, contact [email protected] for instructions and assistance.
  4. Once you have created your account, when you access the home page at, you will have the option to LOG IN.  When you log in, you can think of two separate portals.  The "My Account" portal which shows you all your registration information and volunteer information for the account, and the main web page portal, which will have additional menus for Team Pages and AYSO U only accessible to registered users.  Team pages will show you your team roster, game schedule, etc, and AYSO U will allow you to take online courses and register for live training as well

Once you have created your account, you may navigate to the My Account page, and register your child to participate, or register yourself to volunteer.  Follow the onscreen instructions on the site, or contact [email protected] if you have any questions or issues.  We are in the process of creating some PDF Instruction documents to help if needed.  This is a work in progress.  If you want to take some screen shots and help us create the missing documents, please jump in!!!

List of FAQ's being created...

How to Create a User Account...

How to Add an Additional User to a User Account

How to register a child to participate for the first time with AYSO - (You must have already created a user account)

How to register your child to participate in additional programs within the same membership year, Once you are already registered for one program

How to Submit a Volunteer Application for the first time with AYSO

How to register your child to participate - for returning players only!  Assumes you were registered last season.

How to register as a returning volunteer.  Assumes you were registered last season.

Please note the following regarding registration...
  • We play a combined Fall/Spring season.  When you register for the primary program, you will be registering for 6 games and 8 practices in the fall, and 6 games and 8 practices the following spring.
  • You may choose to participate in only the fall or spring season.  We do not offer a discount for this, as our cost is static rather you play one game or all 12.  Please communicate with the regional registrar - [email protected] - to let them know when you will and will not be participating, and please also communicate this information with your coach once team assignments have been made.
  • There is a late registration fee of $25 that is assessed to 6U through 19U programs for any players registering after July 1 for the Fall program.  This fee is not assessed to Playground, Schoolyard, or VIP program registrations.
  • The advertised fee for the primary program includes a non-refundable National Membership Fee.  This fee is $17.50 for the current registration season, and will show up as a separate line item on your receipt.  Primary program participation is required for many secondary programs, such as select or soccer fest.  If you sign up for a secondary program for the first time, this National Membership Fee will be added to the secondary program cost.  It is assessed once per player per membership year, on the first AYSO program you sign up for.
  • We use the last day of the year for the membership year as our date of age determination for division assignment.  This is standard for any Soccer program affiliated with the USSF.  This means for instance, that for the MY2018 (Fall 2018 - Spring 2019) the date of determination will be Dec 31, 2019.  All players in the 8U division, for instance, will be 8 years of age or less on that date.
  • We do not allow players to play down a division.  If they are unable to compete and have fun at the primary program, they should consider the VIP program as an option.
  • We rarely ever allow players to play up a division.  They must be a returning player, who is recommended to play up by their previous coach, and has the approval of both the parents and the regional board.  They must be physically and mentally able to compete in the next division, and they must need the challenge of competing in the next division in order to continue to develop as a player.  Under NO circumstance will divisions be altered for parent convenience - so that siblings participate on the same team.
  • Uniforms are NOT included with most registrations.  The exceptions being Playground, Schoolyard, and VIP programs.  Uniforms consist of two soccer jerseys (home and away) two pair of soccer socks, and a pair of shorts.  These are not t-shirts, these are jerseys that will hold up well to the wear and tear of use.  Cost for a uniform pack is $30.  Uniforms for the primary season are re-used year to year.  As part of the registration process, you may answer yes, I need a uniform (and be charged) or NO, I do not need a uniform - which implies you have a uniform already from the previous season or from a sibling.
  • Registration for BOTH players and volunteers is on a yearly basis.  You MUST re-register every year.  Any training you receive as a volunteer - coach or ref certification, Safe Haven, Concussion, etc - stays with you for life.
  • Please update your Jersey size regardless of whether you are getting a uniform, so that this information is current if you register for any secondary programs.
I would ask that if you are a volunteer in any capacity, or are even thinking about volunteering, please complete your volunteer registration as early as possible.  Initially, you should only volunteer for ONE role in one division.  If you are interested in multiple roles, go back and complete them one at a time.  As long as you complete them separately as described, Most of the information from the initial registration will auto-copy to the subsequent registrations.  All you will need to do is select the role and complete the waiver.

Please note:  We are no longer able to accept cash payment!  If you do not have a debit or credit card available for payment, it is suggested that you purchase a prepaid visa card and use this to pay for and complete registration.  Players will not be placed on teams until registration is complete and payment has been processed.

If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact [email protected]

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 1103

PO Box 102 
Amana, Iowa 52203

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 319-558-8029
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